Collections, Home Decor, Vintage

Collections on Display

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I grew up in a house of collections. My dad collects model cars, seltzer bottles, and certain mechanical pencils, and my mom collects miniature houses and chairs (and quilting fabric!). Throughout my life, I’ve had various collections too, including miniature china animals, various representations of the letter M, and globes. The memory of one collection really tugs at my heartstrings, though – my vintage mailbox collection. For a while, I just had them sitting on a shelf, and I think I was guilty of a serious decor offense (if you fear the same thing, HGTV can help!). I also had a longing to use corrugated metal in my decorating, so I decided to bring the two together and came up with this display.

It hung proudly in my entryway for several years. Then came the time I thought I was going to move into a tiny house and I purged all non-essentials in a huge “living estate sale.” I hope this item is still in one piece somewhere, making someone else happy every time they look at it!

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