
Hi, I’m Missey!  I’m so glad you’re here!

I used to let fear keep me from doing what I love – upcycling furniture and making crafts.  I was always afraid I would “ruin” a favorite piece of paper or fabric.  I also had a committee inside my head with a long list of rules that guided my life, like “you can’t paint a perfectly good chair!” or “women can’t use power tools!”

Luckily, I found a wonderful therapist who helped me look at my rules and restrictions and break free from the limitations.  Now I want to share my passions with you – furniture makeovers, home décor, and thrifty upcycles – and maybe even help you break free!

You’ll find that I love bright colors and funky patterns, and I am firmly in the anti-distressing camp when it comes to furniture painting. I also believe that everyone should do their own thing, so if distressing makes you happy, go for it!

Let’s get this Redopalooza started!